Title: Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII)
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Published :2014-10-15T07:53:00+07:00
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII)
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Published :2014-10-15T07:53:00+07:00
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII)
TMII is a cultural park themed visitor from all over Indonesia in East Jakarta. An area of approximately a hundred and fifty hectares [1] or 1.Five square kilometers. Here is park is a overview of the Indonesian traditions, that is covers different factors of the each day life of people in 26 provinces of Indonesia (in 1975) looked like within the actual pavilion space of traditional design, and offering the range associated with outfits, dances, and history of the location. Within inclusion, within the actual facility there is a lake that TMII miniature depicts the Indonesian archipelago dilengakpi cord car, several museums, and the Keong Mas IMAX Theater / Theatre Fatherland. The broad range of recreational facilities makes TMIII as one particular regarding the particular top rated visitor places inside the particular capital.
Source: Wikipedia,